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Monday, February 22, 2021

The Stand (2020) – A Review


Several months ago, I went back to read again an old favorite, The Stand, by Stephen King. In the middle of our so-called pandemic, I thought I’d revisit this classic about a serious pandemic! Unlike COVID, the book’s super-flu (nicknamed Captain Trips) is extremely contagious and has a near 99 percent fatality rate. As I said, a serious pandemic.

Anyway, having read the book a few times and seen the original TV miniseries at least twice, I was excited to hear that a new remake was coming. It is available only on CBS All Access (because the world needs five million different streaming services begging for your money). I finally got the chance to finish it this week and decided I’d share my thoughts.

But first, I few general comments on remakes/reboots. I am generally in favor of remakes as long as certain conditions are met. Just my opinion, but here goes. First, don’t remake a movie or show that was crap in the first place. If it wasn’t any good to start with, why waste time making it again? Second, don’t remake something that is still relatively new. Give it some time already. And third, don’t remake the thing if you’re just going to change actors and make the exact same movie or show. I mean, change something!

So getting back to The Stand. I love the book. I love the original miniseries. And since this new production meets all three of my conditions stated above, I was pleased and excited at the prospect of seeing this one. I watched a couple of the trailers and it looked great. But then, I read some of the reviews and I began to worry.

Apparently, a large majority of the early viewers hate this one. Most of their complaints are in regard to the non-linear order of events and the casting. Some of the reviews were so brutal that I almost decided to skip it completely. I’m glad I didn’t. I actually liked it myself.

Yes, the story is told somewhat out of order. It’s a fairly common practice these days, so I was surprised at how many people were upset by it. Maybe it’s just that I am familiar with the story and the characters, but honestly, I didn’t find it that hard to follow. Come on people, just because it’s TV doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have to think a little bit. Besides, that is one of my prior conditions. They tried something different. Maybe it worked for you or maybe it didn’t, but at least they did more than just update the actors and the sets and make the same movie we’ve already seen!

As far as the casting, I was generally pleased. In this age of political correctness and diversity, I am frequently amazed at some bizarre casting choices (where the actor is completely different than how they are described in the book), but in this case, only a few characters seemed off to me. (And I don’t care about Amber Heard’s personal life or misdeeds.) Most notably, Rita who should have been an older lady, if I remember the book correctly, and Nick, who just seemed strange and mysterious. Again, maybe it’s my memory, but I thought of him as being more sweet, innocent, and naïve. Finally, the actor playing Flagg just didn’t seem scary enough. (Neither did the one in the 1994 version.) Even though the movie wasn’t very good, Matthew McConaughey was great as the character in The Dark Tower.

Honestly, my biggest issue was with the final episode, which Stephen King apparently wrote just for the new production. I applaud the effort, but it was a little weird. And the story was pretty much done at that point and it seemed like a tacked-on bonus chapter or something. No spoilers, but you could quit after the first fifteen minutes of the episode and skip to the very end if you wanted to stick to the book.

So, in conclusion, I liked it and I thought it was an interesting take on the story. If you are a Stephen King fan, I would recommend it and if you’re not, try it anyway. Or better yet, read the book. As a former English teacher, I’m compelled to say, “The book is always better!”

Monday, February 8, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Average Liberal

I’ve seen quite a few memes over the last week or so wondering where all the Biden voters have gone. (Unlike all the crude, nasty, vicious attacks of the last four years, Conservatives can be funny without being hateful.) Yes, we got jokes, too.

It is true that after the flurry of executive orders, and the rapid swing to the extreme Left, a great many Biden supporters have virtually disappeared from social media. Although they do still occasionally pop up to trash the former President, or make one of their weak calls for unity (while doing everything they can to divide us), but mostly, they’re pretty silent. Maybe they’re embarrassed. They should be.

Or maybe guilty would be more accurate. They should certainly be feeling that! I suppose the average Liberal isn’t as accomplished as the “professional” politicians when it comes to open hypocrisy. So, they just hide. It’s probably their best option.

Here’s a good example of an average citizen trying to play both sides. I saw a post on Facebook recently promoting a very clear Pro-Life (Anti-abortion) message. One of the replies (from a particularly vocal Liberal) expressed her Christian beliefs and her agreement with the post. Apparently someone pointed out her hypocrisy (after supporting and voting for every Pro-Choice candidate on the ballot). She was so offended that she felt the need to post a long, rambling reply explaining her stance.

Sorry, but I call BS! On her and all of the others who have done the same. If you openly and proudly supported Biden/Harris and celebrated their victory as the greatest thing that has ever happened to our country, then don’t be ashamed to stand up and take a bow. Abortion wins! Open borders win! Tons of free stuff (paid for by higher taxes on everybody else) wins! Meanwhile, the oil and gas industry loses, USA energy independence loses. Gun rights, border security, free speech, lose, lose, lose. And you made that happen. Let me repeat myself. YOU made that happen!

If you helped these people get elected and assume power, then you are responsible (guilty) for everything they now do. They didn’t “sneak one past you” or break their campaign promises, (or lie, cheat, and steal an election). They told you exactly what they intended to do and you chose them, over a man who proudly proclaimed his intentions to always put “America First.”

And by doing so, you willingly chose to support all the things that are happening now. So, when your friends and neighbors lose their jobs, or their businesses, or can’t pay their new higher taxes, or suffer in any way from government over-reach, don’t be embarrassed. Don’t feel guilty. Own it.

Just don’t try to convince the rest of us that you are really, sincerely, deep in your heart, Pro-Life, or that you still believe in the Second Amendment, or the First Amendment, or any of those other Conservative (or Christian) values that are now under near constant attack. Your choices have betrayed your true priorities.

Now to be clear, there are plenty of Liberals who believe fully in the Progressive agenda being pursued by the current administration. They are proudly Pro-Choice, Anti-guns, Pro-Amnesty/Open borders, all for Government-run Healthcare, a higher minimum wage, etc, etc, etc. And although I disagree wholeheartedly with their political views, I can at least respect that they are supporting candidates and voting based on their honest beliefs.

For the others, the hypocrites (including the RINOS and Never-Trumpers who gave away their own Party), I have zero respect. Your consent and your votes have allowed those very things to happen that you claim to oppose. For that, I blame you. And I have no interest in hearing your lame justifications while our freedoms are taken from us by the people you chose to support and elect.

(Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but I’m just tired of hearing people make excuses.)

Monday, February 1, 2021

Some Thoughts on the New Regime

Apparently, our new President (and the Democratic Socialist Party) intend to cancel the last four years and anything touched by the former President without delay. After constantly criticizing President Trump during his administration for using executive orders rather than working with Congress, President Biden signed a flurry of executive orders only hours into his reign. Most of these were designed to reverse policies of his predecessor. Sadly, he has chosen to throw out the good and the bad in his efforts to erase all signs of his hated foe.

So, throw out border security. Throw out pipelines and energy independence. Throw out lower prices for insulin and other drugs. Throw out women’s sports and respect for our military. Throw out all the trade deals that have greatly benefitted our economy. Throw out “America First.” Welcome back to the globalist agenda of the Obama years.

I wonder if there are any Democratic voters out there with Buyer’s Remorse? Shouldn’t be. They told you exactly what they planned to do. Was it worth selling out your country for a more peaceful Twitter feed?

Let’s rejoice that we now have a President committed to saving the planet! When gas prices and your yearly taxes double will you still feel like celebrating? Never mind that even after getting out of the largely symbolic Paris Climate Accord, we had already done more than anyone else to reduce carbon emissions (while the countries with the worst pollution records did little or nothing). The new regime really cares about the environment. It’s just people they don’t seem to care about.

Unless you’re the citizen of a different country. Those people we seem to care a lot about. Trillions of dollars in debt, but we can still tax our own citizens and provide billions in foreign aid. Millions of homeless in our country, but we can still open our borders to another eleven million new citizens. Millions still unable to work because of lockdowns, but don’t worry, the government can spare a few hundred dollars to help.

Of course, they promised more, and maybe at some point they will come through, but first they have to take care of the important stuff like impeaching a President who isn’t even in office. And demanding resignations from Senators and Representatives who have the audacity to disagree with their agenda. (Sorry AOC, but I’m from Texas and I happen to like the way Ted Cruz “represents” the citizens of our state who elected him!)

So, my advice to the new regime, if you want UNITY, stop trashing the 70+ million people who also live in this country. We don’t hate you (the way you seem to hate us for not agreeing with you on every position). We do question the legitimacy of the election and have honest concerns about election fraud. We do believe in the First and Second Amendments. We do believe that life begins at conception. We do believe in secure borders. And we do believe that our President, and the rest of our government, should actually concern itself with the citizens of our country first before trying to save the rest of the world. If you really want UNITY, you have to accept that we too are Americans and stop treating us as if we were enemies.