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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Trump vs. Clinton (Bill)

Let me say up front, I do not like the president. I also did not like the previous president. On a personal level, I find them both to be very arrogant and generally unlikeable people. But that’s okay. Fortunately, in our country, it is not important that individual citizens like their president. I respect the office of the presidency. I respect the authority of the president. And I support the president, whoever he may be, as the elected leader of our country.

It saddens me to see the enormous effort made each day by the media to attack our current president. It seems obvious to me that tarnishing the reputation of our elected leader on a daily basis makes us all look bad. I wonder if the biggest problem is the short memories of the general public. Have we forgotten the scandals of the past so quickly? (I mean the real ones.) And when did we decide that sainthood was a requirement for the presidency?

Don’t get me wrong. I would love to have our country represented by someone with high morals and unimpeachable integrity, but the truth is people are flawed. The best candidates are never perfect people and we have to choose the best of the lot. Once we have elected someone, we should do our best to support that person and if we decide he is not worthy, we can always vote for someone else the next time around. In the meantime, the constant daily criticism of the president, does nothing to help our country.

For those who think our current president is a horrible person, I thought I’d spend some time comparing him to a former president many consider to be the worst ever in terms of morals and values – Bill Clinton. Although still hailed as a hero by the Liberal Left, his legacy is forever marred by his behavior. For those who have forgotten, or never taken the time to examine, let’s take another look at the other Clinton, and see how he compares to President Trump.

Donald Trump is often condemned by his critics for his words. Old videos and tapes have surfaced repeatedly to show that he can be a crass, rude, obnoxious ass, who has often used words to bully others and promote himself. Even during the campaign (and since), he has been rude and insulting to his opponents. He is politically incorrect and proudly so, and oddly, it has endeared him to those who have become tired of the war on words waged by the Left.

Clinton, on the other hand, is a skilled politician and a gifted speaker. There is a reason he was nicknamed Slick Willie. He comes across as sincere and people want to believe him when he talks. I don’t. To me, the two most important things to remember about Bill Clinton and his words are these. First, he was found guilty of lying under oath, which led to his impeachment by the House. Secondly, he went on national TV and lied to the American public. I can clearly recall him looking straight into the camera and declaring that he “did not have sex with that woman.” Look it up on YouTube, if you don’t believe me.

Let’s consider their actions. Trump is accused of cheating on his wife and having sex with a porn star more than a decade ago. There are also a few claims of harassment involving inappropriate kissing or touching. These allegations do not hold a candle to the escapades of Bill Clinton who has been accused of rape and/or sexual assault by numerous women including while president. More shocking than anything else is the admitted fact that he had sex with a White House intern in the Oval Office. IN THE OVAL OFFICE! For a more detailed look, go to Or read the excellent book, High Crimesand Misdemeanors, by Ann Coulter.

Donald Trump may not be a likeable man. He may be rude and offensive at times, and he may (or may not) have committed inappropriate acts in the past, but his misbehavior does not come close to the levels reached by Bill Clinton. Whether we judge them by their words or their actions, it’s clear that our current president is certainly less guilty than the beloved Clinton who has yet to be held accountable for his despicable acts. He continues to be a champion to the Liberal Left despite his past.

One final thought about our president. Whoever occupies the office has earned their place and it is not a role to be taken lightly. In the Bible, Paul teaches us to pray for those in authority.  “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, KJV). As Christians, we should eagerly pray that God will provide wisdom for our country’s leaders, whatever our personal feelings about themmay be.

Regardless of who you voted for, he IS your president. If you truly don’t think he is, you really should just move. If this is your country, he is your president. To think any less is UnAmerican.

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