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Monday, August 27, 2018

Beto O’Rourke – Can a Democrat Really Win in Texas? Let's Hope Not!

I confess to absolute astonishment that a Liberal Democrat has taken Texas by storm. This past week, a viral video of Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke has raised his national profile as well. In the video, O’Rourke defends the practice of NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem stating “I can think of nothing more American.” Needless to say, the video is being highly praised by Liberals and condemned by Conservatives. (Judge for yourselves

My personal opinion is that his response is typical of the way politicians answer questions. He gives an impassioned speech about the right of Americans to protest and in particular defends the practice of non-violent protests. I would readily agree with most of his answer, but I don’t agree with his assertion that people of color are being killed by law enforcement “without accountability, and without justice.” That’s BS! You may not agree with the outcomes, but to imply that nothing at all is being done in these cases is nonsense.

My biggest problem with his response is that he dodges the real question. Is it disrespectful to have your protest during the National Anthem? I will gladly defend anyone’s right to peacefully protest, but I do think it is disrespectful to refuse to stand and acknowledge your country’s flag and anthem. I am offended that NFL players have chosen that as their moment to protest and refuse to admit that it is purposeful. (Go back and read Colin Kaepernick’s comments from his after game interview.

So who exactly is Beto O’Rourke? And why is he suddenly so popular?

Well, to start with, don’t let his culturally appropriated nickname fool you – he’s just another white guy. (I wonder if he was just plain old Robert when he was working in New York City?)

His official congressional website ( ) provides the following biography:
Beto O'Rourke was elected to represent the people of the 16th District of Texas in November of 2012. 
Prior to his congressional service, Beto O’Rourke served two terms on the El Paso City Council. Born and raised in El Paso, he has been deeply involved in civic, business and community efforts in his hometown. 
O'Rourke is a graduate of Columbia University. He is married to Amy Sanders and they have three children together. 
A more complete bio can be found at

As far as his popularity goes, I’m still confused. I guess he’s younger and cooler and better looking than Ted Cruz in the eyes of many voters. And hey, that’s what’s important, right? And he gives a good speech and looks good on YouTube, I guess.

So how Liberal is Beto?

Here’s how he stands on the issues:
Drug Policy – favors the legalization of marijuana and the end of the War on Drugs.
Abortion – Pro-Choice, supports Planned Parenthood and the use of federal funds for abortions.
LGBT Rights – considers this to be a core civil rights issue, supports expanding these rights.
Immigration – favors comprehensive immigration reform, supports DACA, supports full amnesty.
Health Care – supports a single-payer legislation to achieve universal health coverage.
Gun Policy – supports universal background checks and a complete ban on assault rifles.
(For a more complete, and non-partisan look at his stance on a variety of issues, go to

As you can see, he’s your average Democrat, so his real policy is basically to vote against anything the President proposes, raise your taxes, and open the borders. And apparently, he’s perfectly okay with you kneeling or sitting while the National Anthem is played and our flag is being honored. Just saying.

If you need more information on his November opponent, our current Senator Ted Cruz, go to

And just for laughs, if you want to watch Tucker Carlson destroy Beto on DACA and his other immigration policies, go to

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