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Monday, February 11, 2019

The Great Gender Debate: My Thoughts

Let me drop a huge truth bomb on you. There are only two genders! Argue all you want about it, the truth is simple. Either you have two X chromosomes or you have one X and one Y. Everything else is irrelevant. Check out Bill Nye, the Science Guy (even though he’s now become a Liberal and believes in multiple genders!) for a quick primer

Allow me to provide you with an entire list of things that don’t affect gender.
  • How you dress. Wear whatever clothes strike your fancy, it won’t change your gender. You can choose to present yourself to the world any way that you want, but it doesn’t change your DNA, sorry, but that’s just a fact. Like it or not.
  • Your preference of blue or pink. My favorite color is actually blue, but that’s not what makes me male. If I truly preferred pink or any other color deemed feminine by society, I would still be male. Of all the arguments I have heard, this one has to be the dumbest. One’s sense of style or whatever else you want to call it, doesn’t change your biology.
  • Your preference of Barbies or GI Joes. Again, a really dumb argument. I confess that as a child I was extremely curious about the naked Barbies my sister would occasionally leave lying around the house. All the GI Joes and I would perk up at the very sight. If I had scooped one up and ran off to play in secret would that have meant I was actually a girl on the inside just waiting to get out? Nonsense.
  • Your sexual preference. There may be about a hundred of these, if you believe everything you read, but they’re just labels. Go back to my point about clothes. Engage in whatever deviant behavior you wish, it doesn’t change your gender. And not that I really care what you call your particular brand of sin, I think all those labels are nonsense too. If there are only two genders there are only four sexual preferences – homo, hetero, all, or nothing. What else could there be?
  • Your personal preference. There’s a really stupid movement these days that parents are supposed to give their child some meaningless gender placeholder label (X in some states) and then wait for the child to get old enough to choose their own gender. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around this level of ignorance. How are these stupid parents going to know how to dress the child or what toys to buy him/her? (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
  • Your choice of pronouns. I’m a former English teacher and this one bothers me immensely. I greatly resent the efforts by many to corrupt our language in their quest for political correctness. You may be able to force others to call you by whatever label you choose (although I strongly object to the attempts to legally force people to conform to your personal language preferences), but that again serves no true purpose. It may make you more comfortable at the cost of making others less comfortable, but in the end, it doesn’t change the facts. (Here’s a good clip from Jordan Peterson debating gender pronouns and free speech
  • Your surgically altered genitalia. Play Dr. Frankenstein all you want, but just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. And whatever alterations you make, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Just like the man who’s had all that plastic surgery to look like a tiger. He is still a human, despite the appearance. (
  • Your altered hormone levels. I honestly believe that the parents and doctors who are tampering with the hormone levels of preadolescent children are guilty of abuse. You are making irreversible changes and this practice needs to end. (Just my opinion, but seriously!)
  • Etc, Etc, Etc. Fill in the blanks with whatever you like, but the fact is that none of these things change the basic biology that determines gender. And if you think they do, you’re just fooling yourself.

So, let’s be real. There are only two genders.

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27, NIV)

Disclaimer – This is not meant to be critical or judgmental toward anyone. In all honesty, I have a great dislike for labels and the way people use them to cause divisions among persons. Words have meaning. Words matter. Just my opinion!

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