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Monday, February 24, 2020

The Democratic Dilemma: Is There a Democrat in the House?

Another Democratic Debate and finally some fireworks! Instead of spending the entire night bashing Trump, the candidates at last got around to trying to defeat each other. And isn’t that the point during the primaries? Aren’t they supposed to be winnowing down the field and picking a candidate to represent their party in November?

Sadly, if that’s the case, it’s beginning to look like they won’t actually have a Democrat to nominate. The current front-runner is Bernie Sanders, an Independent. And a proud Socialist. That’s right, the Democratic Party could actually be represented by someone who doesn’t even feel the need to identify as a Democrat. Crazy.

The second choice at least claims to be a Democrat. Now, anyway. Michael Bloomberg (who used to be a Republican) is now apparently a serious contender to be the nominee. Of course, his performance at the debate was shockingly bad, but that just means he will have to spend more money on those annoying ads that got his poll numbers high enough to sneak into the debate in the first place.

Fortunately, he has plenty of money. The real question is does he have enough to buy the Presidency? Tucker Carlson recently reacted to this outrageous attempt to do so.

There are actually a few Democrats still standing, but they are fading fast. It’s beginning to look like Biden, Warren, and even Mayo Pete are slipping out of contention. If that is truly the case, the nominee will hardly be a true representative of the party. Then again, who knows what the party even stands for anymore? Hatred of Trump? Killing babies? The Green New Deal? Higher taxes to pay for all the free stuff? Open borders?

So, what should the Dems do now? The best conspiracy theory is that the Party will somehow find a way to screw Bernie again (like last time) and raise the undead corpse of Hillary at the convention to run again. Wouldn’t that be great? Like Rocky II, the great rematch!

Of course, the real mystery is why the party supposedly all about diversity (who constantly attempt to demonize the wealthy) have nothing more to offer in a candidate than two old (rich) white guys! Anyway, on to South Carolina where another ancient Caucasian dude (Biden) is favored to win. At least he’s a real Democrat. Whatever that means!

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