The Reddy Cab Company

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Reality of Choice


I am constantly amazed at the language of the Left. The way they emphasize certain words and phrases while completely ignoring others? Classic!

Abortion is a perfect example. The Liberals absolutely love abortion, yet they try never to use the word. They love to chant “My Body, My Choice” as if they truly believe that the big bad government is forcing women to have children and taking away all of their health choices. BS! Kamala and Joe have gone so far as to compare it to slavery!

Celebrities are even worse. Take for example, a recent quote from John Legend who called the recent Supreme Court decision “government mandated childbirth.” Like the government is rounding up all women of childbearing age, sticking them in internment camps, and forcing them to have children. Give me a break!

Liberals love to talk about choice, while at the same time actively ignoring all the choices that precede a woman’s trip to the abortion clinic. Women (or men) aren’t forced to form relationships. They make a choice. They aren’t forced to engage in sexual activity. They choose to do so. They aren’t forced to have unprotected sex. There are numerous choices of contraceptives. They can choose from a variety of methods or choose to not take any precautions. All of these are legitimate choices, all of which lead to clearly foreseeable consequences. The Left doesn’t like to talk about any of these choices.

The Liberals love to interrupt with their favorite argument here about rape and incest which account for less than two percent of unwanted pregnancies. They want to use this argument to establish rules and procedures for the other 98 percent. How about we consider those cases to be something different and handle them separately? Like the exceptions made in most of the newly proposed abortion laws (from the Right). Make sense?

Anyway, back to choices. When a woman becomes pregnant, even then, she is presented with many choices. And in most states, she legally has options - up to a point. The so-called “morning after pill” is widely available without a prescription. Within 3-4 weeks, a home pregnancy test is highly effective, leaving the mother (I refuse to use the ridiculous label of birthing person) another ten weeks or so to make a choice about abortion (before the fetal heartbeat which is where many states draw the line). If she puts off making that choice beyond the limits imposed by her state, she still has other choices. With enough resources, she can make the choice to travel to places in the U.S. where she can still opt for abortion up to moment of birth. (Or beyond, believe it or not.)

She could even choose childbirth.

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you open educating detail of politics on topic, bringing the numerous choices associated with gestational age… and well, the simplicity of the last line stands alone as priceless!👏👏👏👍
