The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2019!

So, I survived the holidays (obviously) and actually stayed awake until after midnight to see the arrival of the new year (in spite of my advanced age). The wife and I were throwing back hot toddies to ward off the colds we’ve been fighting all week, but all things considered, I can’t complain. Christmas was great and I was able to spend some quality time with my kids. And isn’t time with family the best blessing of the season anyway?

But now I need to get back to work on my writing. The slow sales of the latest book have taken a toll on my motivation and the time devoted to marketing efforts has cut into my writing time, so I need to get back on track. For two of the last three years, I’ve used NaNoWriMo to keep me focused and producing quantity, if not quality. On my own, I tend to go slow and totally neglect my projects for long stretches. I try to write at least something every day, but even then, I have weeks when I work on blog entries and leave my latest WIP to wither and collect dust.

So, here’s my new year’s resolution – I will write 500+ words each and every day! And to keep myself accountable, I will write down the number of words each day and severely chastise myself on the days when I fail to reach my goal. (I truly hate to anticipate failure, but I can’t predict the future! What if I am sick or on vacation or if something good is on TV or I don’t feel like writing?) But I will do my best!

And isn’t that the best resolution for us all? To keep going at whatever it is that we choose to pursue? To chip away, little by little, and keep moving forward, keep making progress, keep on getting up each day and living our lives? That’s my goal. So, welcome 2019. I’m excited to see what lies ahead!


  1. Good luck on your resolution. Mine is to finish my projects and learn to tattoo.
