The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Monday, August 19, 2019

Working at the Hotel

So, here’s the thing. I really do like people. After 35 years in the field of education, some private, mostly public, as a teacher, coach, and administrator, I spent a few years in retirement (otherwise known as poverty) while trying to establish myself as a writer.

Not exactly sure how to evaluate that one! I have successfully kept a blog going for the last year and a half, and I have published three books, so I guess I would at least have to give myself a passing grade. Maybe we’ll just grade this one on a Pass/Fail basis and call it a day!

Anyway, in search of part-time employment to supplement my Teacher Retirement annuity, I stumbled upon my current position working at the front desk at a local hotel. It’s an interesting job, and to return to my original thought, it’s mostly interesting because of the people.

First, let me mention my boss and my co-workers. Having worked for some truly difficult people in the past, I must say my current boss is great! (For the record, Sharon Williams, my principal at Pine Forest Christian Academy is still #1 – Best Boss Ever!) The other hotel staff members are also wonderful to work with and overall, I think we have a fantastic team. Again, having worked with difficult people, I can truly appreciate my current co-workers. You guys are the best!

So, now for those pesky guests! Is there anyone who has ever worked in any form of customer service and not encountered those unhappy miserable souls who complain about every – single – solitary – bleeping thing? Of course, we have guests like that here at the hotel, but honestly, they are the exception, rather than the rule. Therefore, I will say truthfully that greeting every guest with a smile, showing courtesy, doing whatever I can to ensure they have a pleasant stay, and other such assigned tasks are the easiest parts of my job. Because, I guess I just like people!

So, I have great conversations every day with travelers from across the state, and the country, and occasionally even from other countries. I get to hear interesting tales, in interesting accents, of the daily lives of people whom I would never otherwise encounter. During check-in, I strive to be quick and efficient, to allow our weary travelers to settle in and rest, but at breakfast and other times, most of our guests are eager to talk, and they seem to enjoy the attention and the chance to visit with those of us who live here. And I greatly enjoy their stories. And who knows? They might even show up in a book some day!

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely a success bro! So proud to be called your sister!!
