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Monday, December 16, 2019

Time Magazine's Person of the Year

So, the editors of Time Magazine in their infinite wisdom have decided that the most influential person in the world this year is a sixteen year old kid who thought skipping school was the best way to protest for climate change. Starting with a local school strike, Greta Thunberg quickly became a media star, and her newfound fame got her an audience with the United Nations where she proceeded to scream at world leaders and blame them for stealing her dreams and her childhood. You know, because of the mass extinction coming soon to your very own neighborhood. Wow!

Her fans credit her with inspiring millions to join climate strikes around the globe (again by skipping school in protest because that’s always a good plan to appeal to teenagers) and she is hailed as a hero by more than just the folks at Time. She’s met with many political leaders and even the Pope to spread her message (which is absolutely true and backed up completely by every scientist in the world, not!) Sadly, most of her followers readily assume that Greta is an expert on the subject. In all fairness, she did see a film in school about it. And she reads a lot when she’s not spreading her gospel of doom and gloom.

It truly is sad to see a young person pushed into the spotlight and being used so blatantly by the media as a propaganda tool. It’s sad to see any parents allow their child to be used so shamelessly. (Is it considered child abuse if your kid becomes seriously depressed about the climate and instead of getting her professional help, you change your entire lifestyle to accommodate her delusion and then let her travel the world to be mocked and ridiculed? Asking for a friend.)

I just don’t see much common sense here. “Sure, Greta, get in a leaky sailboat and cross the ocean so you won’t leave a carbon footprint.” At least, she does have enough conviction to avoid the hypocrisy of all those other climate alarmists who fly all around the world to have meetings about that sort of thing. (Al Gore, yes, I’m talking about you. And Bernie, and all the other Liberals who want all the rest of us to go back to the horse and carriage while they travel by private jet everywhere they go. Or maybe they think we can all afford those expensive electric cars that none of them drive.) Actually, I just read an article that claims the yacht she was using has a diesel engine, but we weren’t supposed to know that.

Anyway, I’ve written before about climate change in a previous blog. You can find my opinions at: Regardless of what you believe about the whole issue, it still seems a stretch to call Greta Thunberg the most influential person of the year.

And in case you haven’t seen it, here’s a clip of Greta at the U.N. rudely addressing the adults in the room. I know she’s just a kid, and I know she has Asperger’s syndrome, and all, but come on. When do we ever think it’s appropriate to have a teen-ager publicly scold a room full of adults? And then, reward her for it?

In all fairness, I feel sorry for the kid. She apparently believes in all sincerity that the world is coming to an end and it’s all because of the stupid adults who won’t deal with the climate crisis. She honestly believes the garbage that is so widely reported as fact by the media, and her parents are apparently okay with her being exploited for political purposes, so I guess there’s nothing to be done but let her play out her fifteen minutes of fame and hope that she finds a way to get back to some kind of normal life when it’s all over. Sadly, the Liberals and the media will move on to the next martyr soon and she will be left behind (like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez, for example).

Fortunately, I don’t need Time Magazine to tell me who is important and influential in my world.

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