The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Monday, March 9, 2020

The Blessing of Adult Children

A few weeks ago, my wife and I had the chance to spend the day with our daughter Caitlin. This past weekend, we traveled to Ft. Worth to visit our son Scott. Let me say, all the cute, sentimental internet memes are 100% correct! There is nothing better than seeing your children grow into responsible and kind adults. And having a good relationship with your adult children is definitely the best!

I suppose the term “adult children” is a bit of an oxymoron. They are adults, not children, but of course, a part of you will always see them as children and that is a blessing in itself. All those precious memories! And in later years, you get to tell them all those stories and enjoy the smiles as they remember (or not) those small moments from a shared and treasured past. And then, they grow up and turn into adults!

Even as we take pride in having done such a great job of raising them, we also thank God for providing such gifts, and we recognize the blessing of others who have helped so tremendously in their growth and development. Family, of course, the grandparents who loved on them as babies and toddlers. Uncles and aunts and cousins who loved them. And then, the teachers and mentors (at school and church) who helped guide them in their early years. Friends, ours and theirs, who encouraged them and supported them and still do.

And now, they are adults. As Scott and Caitlin’s parents, we are truly thankful to have good, strong relationships with them. (Sadly, not everyone can claim that bond.) Long conversations about books, and movies, and games, etc. are common. Sitting down for a cup of coffee and catching up on our daily lives can be magical. It is wonderful to see what they have become! And wonderful to know them and have them in our lives. I feel blessed and I am thankful. I pray that all parents of adult children would feel the same. So call or text your kids. Or your parents.  And have a great week!

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