The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Author Q&A -The What If Project

Available at

Previously posted on November 6, 2017

Q: Why did you decide to write a book?
A: My son Scott told me about NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month and I decided to challenge myself to see if I really could write a novel. I have written lots of short stories and poems over the years, but never any longer works. (My lone attempt at writing a book resulted in the unfinished young adult novel that is still waiting on me.) Because I am retired, I no longer had the excuse of not having the time, so I decided to go for it and see what happened.

Q: Did you really write the entire novel in one month?
A: I did. It actually came together really well and finished it by the end of November.

Q: Where did you get the idea for the story?
A: Two big influences were the book (and movie) Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson and the TV show The Sopranos. I’ve always loved stories about time travel and I thought this book was great because it focused on the story and the people instead of the sci-fi aspects. Instead of some kind of time machine, you had a character who literally wills himself back in time through a form of self-hypnosis. From the TV show, I loved the scenes with the main character sitting across from his therapist, which gave me the idea for the two main characters, Jack and Dr. Melton. Beyond that, I think at one time or another most people experience at least some regret over the past, something that happened or didn’t happen, and wonder how different things might have been.

Q: How long did it take to get the book ready for publishing?
A: I spent several months editing and revising, but for the most part, the book stayed pretty close to its original form. I had some great suggestions from my beta readers, but most of the changes were adding or changing very minor details, a sentence here or there, or in one case, changing a character’s name.

Q: Why did you choose to self-publish?
A: I wanted to get the book out and maintain control over the process. I didn’t want to go through the whole rejection process and deal with all of that. I just wanted to make it available and if anyone reads it, great, and if not that’s okay, too.

Q: Who designed your cover?
A: I did. I ignored all the suggestions that you should never do your own cover and that you should pay someone to get a professional design. It’s my book and I understand it better than anyone, so I did it myself and I think it turned out great.

Q: Any last words?

A: Read the book! And if you like it, tell your friends. Honestly, I think it’s an interesting story with a positive message and hope the people who read it will enjoy it.

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