The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Twitter Wars

As an independent author, I followed the advice of my fellow writers and joined Twitter a few years ago. Currently, I maintain a modest presence and follow many people, mostly other authors, regardless of their political views. I have quite a few followers, again, mostly other writers.

In all honesty, I am occasionally offended by tweets, but since I am an adult, I scroll on and get over it! I feel no compulsion to engage in fruitless arguments with strangers. Because, again, I am an adult.

Mostly, I am amused by many of the opinions expressed by those who see the world differently than I, and at times, I marvel at their hypocrisy and lack of common sense. Often, I am amused by the tweets of Conservatives, as well. I do not respond or comment on political posts. To each their own when it comes to opinions.

Now that Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter, I’ve seen very little change in the app. I guess most of us writers don’t really have the time to get into all the political mess, even the ones who frequently tweet about politics. Then again, we’re just the regular folks of social media. You know, the ones without the blue checks.

On the other hand, the celebrities are going nuts! I keep reading, with hilarity, the comments from the growing list of celebs who are proclaiming loudly their intention to leave Twitter. (Mainly in response to a certain former President being allowed to return.) Apparently, they aren’t big fans of free speech.

My opinion? Go ahead and leave! Who cares? Just like in 2016 when they were all going to leave the country if Donald Trump ever became President. Of course, they didn’t and most probably won’t leave Twitter either. Maybe they’ll refuse to pay for their blue checks or stop tweeting, but many will hang around, mostly (I think) just to see what’s going on. And to complain about any and all changes.

And their complaints? Mostly about censorship. And in reality, they were perfectly okay before when Conservatives were routinely censored and a definite Liberal bias was obvious. In that regard, Twitter (or Facebook or the rest of social media) was no different from Mainstream Media.

And don’t you just love the way the Left views censorship? It’s fine with them, as long as the ones being censored are the ones with whom they disagree. I especially love the way any political opinion in opposition to their own view is immediately labelled “hate speech.” Or else “fact” checked and blocked/deleted as “misinformation.”

Anyway, Twitter may become a little more fair and balanced (or maybe not. I’ll believe it when I see it.) And if that offends you? Well, don’t let the door smack you on the behind on the way out! LOL!


  1. It amazes me the compulsion the Left has to flood conservative sites and pages on social media and post some of the most deplorably divisive hateful comments that would trigger major meltdowns if reciprocated by conservatives on their sites and pages. They’d go ballistic. I have absolutely no desire to visit, read or comment about anything on a liberal site or page. Yet, it seems it’s their obsession to have the last word on absolutely everything. No one else is allowed to speak or voice an opinion I believe you’re correct in choosing not to engage, but I also refuse to be bullied into not having a voice, strong armed into being mute. I truly believe it’s extremely important for Christians to speak, especially in regard to their faith. It should be quite clear what we believe, where we stand AND…who we belong to. ☝🏼

    1. I think my blogs make it pretty clear what I believe and where I stand. Thanks for reading!
