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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Reasons to Vote for Kamala Harris


In a sane world, the last four years (or even the events of the last few weeks!) should ensure a landslide victory for Donald Trump. Instead the polls say this could be one of the closest races in our history! Sadly, I fear the pollsters may be right. If Democrats could round up 82 million ballots (not votes) for a sleepy old man in his basement, I have no doubt that a Harris win is possible. I just don’t understand why anyone would vote for Harris/Walz. These are the only reasons I could come up with.

1.       You hate Donald Trump more than you love your country.

Don’t doubt me when I say that this is the scary voting block that can create a Harris/Walz victory. Let’s be honest. Donald Trump won the 2016 election because there were huge numbers of people (myself included) who voted not FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary Clinton. In 2020, after four years of nonstop attacks by the media, there were tons who voted not FOR Joe Biden, but AGAINST Trump. The Democrats are counting on the same thing happening again. There are many voters who do not like Kamala Harris or her policies, but are perfectly willing to vote for her, because of their rabid hatred of her opponent.

The problem is that electing Harris/Walz could be very bad for our country. This is NOT a popularity contest. Voters from both parties generally agree that the key issues involved in this election are the economy, immigration, foreign policy, and abortion. If you hate Trump so much that you are willing to endure four more years of rampant inflation (higher prices on everything!), a wide open border (including a flood of criminals and drugs), wars around the globe (paid for by your tax dollars), and the continued slaughter of our most innocent, then you would have a hard time convincing me that you love America.

2.       You really do believe that she will fix the economy, the border, and our foreign policy.

If this is your position, I question your grasp on the facts. Harris has a clear track record. Both Biden and Harris have repeatedly asserted that she has been actively involved and in agreement with ALL of the “accomplishments” of the previous administration. She recently said she could not think of anything she would have done differently! As a candidate, she can continue to insist that all of the problems of the last four years are Trump’s fault, and she can keep on insisting that things are better now than they were four years ago, but the numbers don’t lie.

Inflation skyrocketed while they joyfully proclaimed that Bidenomics was working! Illegal immigration is at an all-time high, and recent reports from ICE reveal that massive numbers of illegal immigrants with criminal records (including more than 13K murderers and 15K rapists) have been released into our country by this administration. Human trafficking and drugs are out of control due to the Biden/Harris open border policies. Meanwhile, countless American citizens are suffering while we continue to send billions to support other countries’ wars. Do you really believe that Harris can fix these problems? She talks a lot about what she will do on Day 1, but the reality is that she has been in office for almost four years already with little evidence to show that she cares about fixing any of these issues.

3.       You believe in abortion, even late term abortions, as a right that should be federally protected.

Harris (and Walz) insist that Trump plans to institute a federal ban on all abortions, despite the fact that he has never said this and has repeatedly denied it. Harris and the Democrats are willing to revise Congressional rules (eliminating the filibuster) and completely change the Supreme Court if necessary to get their way. Based on current California and Minnesota law, their way is clear. Those are two of the fourteen states that place no restrictions on abortions all the way up to the moment of birth!

If you believe that abortion is healthcare (and that the mother’s rights count more than the baby’s right to life), then go ahead and vote for her, but understand that you are also condoning not just the killing of innocent children, but you are also ignoring the problems previously mentioned. More than just one issue is at stake.

4.       You don’t care about the first amendment, or the second. Or the Constitution in general.

Harris is already openly calling for increased censorship of social media. Liberals love to label any opposition as disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, or whatever new terms they can invent to avoid having any civil discussion with those who do not agree with them. I’m sorry, but our country was founded on the belief that all citizens should have the right to speak freely and voice their honest opinions. Giving government the power to control speech is a really bad idea.

As far as the second amendment goes, I believe in reasonable regulations and laws, but I am decidedly against the banning of weapons by the politicians who invariably surround themselves with armed guards. Hypocrisy much? And leave the Supreme Court and the rest of the constitution alone. It works. Stop messing with it!

5.       You are impressed and/or influenced by all the celebrity endorsements.

Do you really think all the millionaire actors, singers, and athletes care about the cost of gas or groceries? Or houses? Or electric cars? Or the problems of the average U.S. citizen? Do you think any of these people ever buy their own gas or go to the grocery store for themselves? Not likely. Funny how all these rich people love the party that continues to say that the wealthy are the problem.

Maybe you’re just hyped about electing the first woman of color. Again, is it worth it considering everything else that would come with a Harris/Walz win?

6.       You don’t care about election integrity.

Forget COVID and all the mail-in ballots from God knows where. Let people go to the polls (and show some ID) and elect our leaders in a fair and open way. Non-citizens should not be voting in elections. If you want to vote and have a voice in our government, then become a legal US citizen. There actually is a process of legal immigration in America.

7.       You really love a good word salad!

Honestly, when choosing someone to represent our entire country on the world stage, who is the most embarrassing figure? Bad orange man? Bumbling, stumbling, cognitively impaired old man? Or the woman babbling incoherently interspersed with cackling, inappropriate laughter? I know which one makes me cringe. Can you imagine four years of President Harris?

8.       You honestly, believe she is the best person for the job.

I respectfully disagree, but at least you would be voting for a truly valid reason. I don’t know what the future holds, but I pray that whoever wins, the media will dial back the hateful rhetoric.