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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Ugly Truth About Liberals


They hate America. That’s it. That’s all.

Okay, so you want more? Let’s start with the obvious. They absolutely, passionately hate the President. The man who proclaims his greatest desire is to “Make America Great Again” and who makes decisions based on putting “America First.” Of course, they want you to believe that they hate him because of his personality. He’s a rapist. He’s a racist. He’s a felon. He’s a dictator. He’s Hitler! He’s an existential threat to democracy, for God’s sake!

The truth is that it’s not about the man or his character. They hate him because they hate his policies and his politics. Because he loves America, and they don’t. And because they control the mainstream media, they will spend the next four years doing everything they can to tear him down. They will spin every single word or action to make you believe he is horrible. And by extension, every single person who supports him or his policies. The old basket of deplorables.

But again, it's not really about Trump. The best and most current example is the recent press conference with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Conservatives and Republicans were proud to see our President stand up to the man who has taken billions of our taxpayer dollars and apparently thinks he somehow deserves even more. He was supposed to arrive to sign an agreement that had already been negotiated, speak briefly to the press, eat lunch, and go home with a real chance to finally end his war with Russia. Instead, he was disrespectful, confrontational, and left without signing the deal he had previously agreed to endorse. Or at least that’s how Trump supporters saw it.

Liberals and Democrats watched the exact same footage and announced that President Trump and Vice President Vance had bullied and disrespected Zelenskyy! Perfect example of how the Liberals think. Do you support your own country’s President? Or do you side with the foreign leader who comes to the White House expecting more money to continue a war we are trying to help him end? Forget personalities. Which one of these two men is trying to do what is in the best interest of America?

Just yesterday, Republican senators presented a bill that would ban biological men from participating in women’s sports in K-12 schools and colleges that receive federal funding. EVERY SINGLE Democrat voted against the bill! This, despite the fact that a New York Times poll “released in January found a whopping 79% of U.S. adults opposed allowing transgender athletes in female sports, including 67% of Democrats and 64% of independents.” (

Consider DOGE. (As I did in a previous blog. Do we cut spending and reduce the size of the federal government? Do we eliminate fraud and wasteful spending? Or do we criticize the people rooting out the abuse and side with the politicians who are making themselves rich off the money taken from average Americans? The Liberals routinely choose to spend billions on foreign aid. These politicians are more than willing to spend taxpayer money on pet projects in other countries rather than on American citizens. And if some of that money ends up in their own accounts, that’s okay with them.

Let’s talk immigration. Who do the Liberals side with? Non-citizens. Every single time. FEMA money? Not enough money to help out American citizens who face tragic storms, because we’ve moved those funds. Liberals have no problem using that money to fly non-citizens around the country. That’s only one specific example. There are hundreds. Sanctuary cities? State and city officials blatantly refusing to enforce federal laws and refusing to cooperate with ICE? How about AOC (and others) working diligently to help “undocumented” immigrants avoid federal officials and stay in the country illegally? And back to the money again. Liberals are perfectly okay with spending millions to provide food, housing, and all kinds of “benefits” to non-citizens, while conveniently ignoring the growing numbers of homeless Americans.

Abortion? Liberals want federal laws to guarantee abortion on demand right up until the moment of birth (or even beyond). They’re willing to pack the Supreme Court if that’s what it takes, and they honestly don’t care what the majority of Americans believe. Climate change? To the Liberals anything “Green” is more important than our country’s energy needs. Look at the amount of damage inflicted on the oil and gas industries by the previous administration. Why? Because the Liberals care more about their agenda than about the country. “America Last” while we curry favor with foreign countries. LBGQT, etc? Liberals want to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Whether it involves “men” in women’s restrooms, or competing against them in athletics, Liberals want their way. DEI? The same. Liberals don’t want you to hire the best. They only care about you hiring the most politically correct.

I could go on, but I would just be repeating myself. Whatever the issue, the Liberals will be on the wrong side. At least, if you’re considering the idea of loyalty to one’s own country. Don’t be fooled by the personal attacks on President Trump. It’s not about him. It’s about America. And the ugly truth about Liberals? They don’t believe in being Americans first. They don’t love their country. If they did, they wouldn’t consistently choose the side that benefits others ahead of the majority of American citizens.