The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Monday, October 7, 2019

Return to Eastlake: More Small Town Tales

I finished the second round of edits on the newest book this week and handed if off to a few trusted beta-readers for their input. Not as scary as the previous times, but still a bit nerve-wracking. It’s hard to put your work out there hoping for kind words, fearing the opposite, exposing all the insecurities that go along with being a writer, or a singer, or an artist, or pretty much anyone willing to express themselves creatively.

Honestly, I go back and forth between the pride of accomplishment and the certainty that it’s all crap. No lie. Sometimes when I read my words, I truly believe that the stories are good and powerful and I’m caught up in the emotions they carry. At other times, I read passages that sound boring or childish or simplistic, and I wonder why I ever thought I could be a writer.

And yet … there is evidence:

And when I see the actual books, I am immensely proud of each one I have published. They may not be best-sellers by any stretch of the imagination, but they are the works of my own labor, and the finished products are tangible proof of my efforts.

So, I keep going. I am optimistic enough to have written a sequel to a book that very few people have actually read! And now that I am working again, I am finding it much harder to devote the time to writing and revising and editing. Originally, I had hopes of publishing this one in August. Now, I’m shooting for Christmas. Say a prayer!

Okay, now for the real reason for this post – I need opinions on the new book cover. For some reason, finishing the cover is a huge motivator for me. I suppose, it helps me envision the book as a real object and not just some random computer file. I have two self-imposed requirements.

First, I want the cover to have a recognizable connection with the previous book. I know this sounds like bragging (it is), but I absolutely love that cover. It is definitely my favorite of the three I’ve done so far. I want the same look and feel for the new one.

Second, it needs to be different enough to not be confused with original. So there you go, similar, but not too similar, right? Here they are side by side:

Take a moment or two and let me know what you think. It’s only a rough draft, so don’t be afraid to be brutally honest! Thanks.

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