The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Monday, April 6, 2020

The Nasty Side of Politics

I’ve been actively trying to avoid writing about the current pandemic, but I can’t take it anymore! I just have to open my big mouth and make a few comments! As much as I love the “home school” memes and the other examples of people who have maintained a healthy sense of humor, it’s basically impossible to not be bombarded by the negative news coming daily from a particular political party and it’s driving me crazy.

I had originally planned to support my argument with some clips from Pelosi and Schiff and Schumer and Abrams and Acosta or just the media in general, but I realized that doing so would just bring even more attention to these horrible people. I use that word (intentionally) to describe all those individuals who are more interested in establishing blame than actually doing or saying anything remotely helpful.

Set up a good timeline and do just a bit of research and you will quickly find that most of these people are still as hypocritical as ever. Most of them have already made plenty of contradictory statements about the current state of affairs, but now of course, they are working as hard as they can to find any way to blame the President despite their own constant efforts to interfere with his administration’s handling of the crisis. (Travel ban = racism, Stimulus bill = chance to further the Liberal agenda, etc.)

If you really want to blame someone, why not start with the obvious. The (Communist) Chinese government failed to contain the virus within their own borders by refusing to even acknowledge the problem until they no longer had a choice. Even now, they continue to vastly under-report the number of cases and fatalities. To be fair, the leaders of every other country in the world (including the USA) were forced to make decisions based on faulty information due to China’s lack of honesty. (Please do use enough common sense to realize that this does not mean you should blame any individual who happens to be Chinese!)

In the meantime, politics have proven (yet again) to be an exceptionally nasty business. The President can’t hold a press conference without being accused of lying. (How dare he be optimistic!) And being daily asked “gotcha” questions. Really, we’re not so stupid that we can’t tell the difference between a legitimate question about the virus and a question designed to point out the Left’s opinion that the President has somehow failed to act appropriately. (And the Democrats have already openly admitted their plan to use this as their next ridiculous basis for impeachment? Unbelievable!)

Just for laughs, someone should ask one of these idiots to actually outline their plan for handling this pandemic. (Not Joe Biden, please! The man can barely tie two sentences together without babbling incoherently!) I’ve yet to hear any of them offer a solution. Easier to just criticize others than actually try to be a “leader” themselves.

So, how about this - Instead of criticizing every decision made by our state and national leaders, can we just support our elected leaders and put our petty stupid political games aside for just a little while? Can we just get past this pandemic first, before we start worrying about the 2020 election? Can we just hold off till summer before we start pushing our own political agendas? Can we just pass one single bill in Congress that doesn’t have to be full of tons of unnecessary crap to further party interests? Aren’t we better than that? We should be!

Maybe we could act like we’re all Americans and try to work together for the good of our country. Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?

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