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Monday, July 12, 2021

Random Thoughts on Sports


Just my opinions, but …

·         If you can’t stand the sound of the National Anthem or even face the American flag, why the hell are you trying to join the USA Olympic team? Seriously? You want to wear a red, white, and blue uniform that identifies you with this country? No offense to Gwen Berry, but I just don’t get it. I have the same opinion of Megan Rapinoe who apparently has no problem playing for the USWNT, but wants to protest the anthem. Go play for a team that represents your personal beliefs. Stop being a hypocrite.

·         In regards to Sha’Carri Richardson, whatever your particular stance on the issue of marijuana (or other recreational drugs), if you fail your sport’s required drug test, you suffer the consequences. (Whether that means a suspension, or you not making the team, or not getting selected for the relay, whatever.) She has accepted the situation with grace and sportsmanship and I truly hope she gets her chance in the future to win her share of medals, but honestly, it’s very simple. Rules are rules. World class athletes are very familiar with the rules pertaining to their particular field, so there are no excuses. (And for the record, Patrick Mahomes, do you think if you failed a drug test, the NFL would just go ahead and let you play because you’re cool and entertaining?)

·         Allowing transgender athletes (MEN) to compete in Women’s events is just wrong. You might as well just go ahead and abolish all women’s sports and be done with it. If New Zealand’s Laurel Hubbard wants to continue competing as a weightlifter, do it in the Men’s Division. Honestly, whatever screwed up gender issues a person might have, an athlete who wants to compete should be allowed to do so, but let’s be real. Give them “A League of Their Own” and let them compete against those who share their genetics.

·         The NBA Finals are going on and nobody cares. Well, I take that back. All the LeBron James Haters are excited that he is done. LeFlop who wants to be considered the GOAT can get on with his movie career and get paid for all that acting he does on the court. Seriously, he is a tremendous athlete, but all the whining is getting old.

·         And finally for the NFL fans out there. Aaron Rodgers and Deshaun Watson and all those other Prima Donnas out there demanding to be traded, just need to get a life. This isn’t the Recreational Leagues. This is PROFESSIONAL sports. You signed a contract (like an adult). You’re getting paid. Just shut up and do your job. Do you think the rest of us don’t have to get up and show up every day at Dysfunctional Workplaces? And for a lot less money than you guys are getting.

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