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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Afghanistan – Biden’s Biggest Failure?


In only seven months, President Biden has already made enough questionable decisions (that have harmed our country) that it is truly difficult to call any one of them the biggest failure, but our disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is surely the worst so far. And the complete failure of him and his administration to take any accountability is simply shameful. Seriously, he blames his predecessor?

(Let’s consider some possible contenders for a worse failure. The border? An absolute disaster. COVID? Mask mandates, Vaccine Passports, and that open border with little or no restrictions? Energy Independence? Gone. Inflation? Out of control. Of course, all of this can easily be blamed on Donald Trump. At least that’s what Chuck and Nancy and Joe keep telling us. Honestly, I don’t blame Biden as much as I blame the people who put him in office. Elections have consequences. But no mean tweets, right?)

Let me say up front that I have no problem with us getting out of Afghanistan. I truly believe we should stop involving ourselves in conflicts around the world. At least to the degree in which we have for far too long. I believe in fighting terrorism, but the whole regime change, world building strategy thing is a bit much. Obviously, in this case, the big problem was how we got out of Afghanistan. And sorry Mr. President, that one is on you, not Trump.

I’m not a military genius or anything, so I just have a few basic common sense questions.

First, why did we evacuate the troops before the civilians? Just seems like a no-brainer that you would get the innocent bystanders out of danger before you close the military bases and withdraw the protectors. I thought that’s what “no man left behind” meant.

Second, why did we leave behind over 80 billion dollars worth of military equipment? In the hands of terrorists? When American citizens get killed with those planes and helicopters and tons of other weapons are we going to hold this President responsible for arming the enemy? (But then again, we never held President Obama accountable for Fast and Furious. And we never held Obama or Hillary Clinton responsible for Benghazi, where we abandoned an embassy and lost American lives.)

Maybe the big question is what happened to the President’s advisors? Surely, there were military leaders that were in a position to warn the administration what was about to happen. But then, we really don’t know who’s running the show anyway, do we? The President keeps saying things like, “They told me I couldn’t answer questions,” or “They told me I could only talk for five minutes,” or “They gave me a list,” or whatever. I’m still waiting for a reporter brave enough to ask who THEY are.

Finally, I wonder how much longer this charade can continue. My fear is that Biden’s biggest failure may turn out to be his selection of Kamala Harris as his Vice President. If the first seven months have been this rough, can he really last four years? And if he doesn’t, he may have chosen our next President already. Read one of my earlier blogs if you want to know why that scares me and should scare you too!


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