The Reddy Cab Company

The Reddy Cab Company
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Monday, June 8, 2020

Take Time to Learn

Last week, I encouraged everyone to pray. This week, allow me to suggest we should all seek to learn. As a former educator, I am a firm believer in overcoming ignorance through the pursuit of knowledge. And I believe that the first step in that pursuit is honestly acknowledging how much we don’t know. In these times when our passions are running so high, we especially need to take a deep breath and think before we speak or act.

In the past week or so, I have not watched the news much. Truthfully, it’s just painful. I’ve also spent much less time than usual on social media. Again, too painful. People are hurting and way too many are choosing to lash out at any and all who disagree with them and their opinions. Please don’t misunderstand me here. I’m not denying anyone the right to speak out. I’m only encouraging people to consider their words carefully and whenever possible be positive instead of negative. And check your facts.

On social media (particularly Twitter), I follow many people who see the world in a vastly different way than I do. I willingly admit that I am ignorant in regard to many things. My life experiences have shaped my views and I fully realize that many people have had a greatly different set of experiences of their own. And that’s fine! The world would be a very boring place indeed if everyone thought exactly as I do on every issue.

So, here’s my approach. I have rarely ever blocked anyone on social media for having a different opinion than myself. I have no problem letting those who disagree with me have their opportunity to change my mind. I enjoy a lively debate on any issue. As long as the person is willing to at least try to limit the profanity and the vulgarity, I’m perfectly okay with letting them rant. I may not read every word or follow every link they post, but I can actually consider the merits of things I don’t agree with and not be offended.

In the last week, I have read many articles and watched a number of videos, and frankly, I believe I have learned some things. I’ve read posts and articles by both Liberals and Conservatives of all races, ages, cultures, etc. and to the best of my ability, I have read and listened with an open mind. (I recommend you do the same.) Many of the things I've learned have pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to acknowledge some very ugly realities, but that’s okay. Education is a good thing. Knowledge is a good thing.

Here’s my encouragement for the week. Listen more than you speak. Be a little slower to react to things that upset you. Take the time to learn something new this week. And for God’s sake, be more positive than negative! Have a great week and let me know what you think.

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