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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Let’s Talk About Abortion


It’s all about politics, right? Everything is these days, am I right? And of course, the Liberal Left would love it if you keep on looking at it that way.

Honestly, they don’t even like the word abortion. They rarely use it. They prefer “choice” or “women’s rights” or anything other than calling it what it is. Their favorite slogan has always been “My body, my choice.” (Unless we’re talking about masks or vaccinations.)

Anyway, from the political view, the thought of the Supreme Court tampering with Roe v. Wade is the end of the world in their opinion.

The Left has always depended on the ignorance of the masses to sell their arguments, and this one is no exception. Many people believe (incorrectly) that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will immediately become illegal across the country overnight. Just to educate those folk, the reality is that without Roe v. Wade, abortion simply becomes a state issue, as it was before. Conservative states will be allowed to ban or restrict the practice, while Liberal states will maintain their right to continue doing what they have always done.

So what is the purpose (or importance) in having a federal law or legal opinion on abortion? Why does a Supreme Court ruling matter so much?

Well, according to the Left, that Supreme Court decision affirms what they believe – that abortion is a God-given right protected by the Constitution of the United States of America! They believe that, right? That the founding fathers intended that, and just forgot to spell it out in writing. (Like all those other rights they believe in like free healthcare, and housing, and student loan forgiveness, and US citizenship.)

Conservatives tend to believe that all those so-called rights bestowed by the government are an entirely different matter. Abortion, for example, is viewed by a majority of Bible believing Conservatives to be an abomination and most have problems with the fact that we put to death millions of unborn each year.

So, who do we believe? The Liberals who can’t even define a woman while the actual rights of actual women are being destroyed almost daily? Or the zealots on the right who condemn the practice entirely?

How about we forget the politics and get to the real issue, the only question that actually matters. When does life begin? Let’s be honest. If you truly believe it’s just a clump of cells and nothing more, then go ahead, scrape it out and toss it in the nearest dumpster. BUT… And again, let’s be honest. If you are willing to admit that at some point (conception, heartbeat, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester) that clump of cells actually becomes a human life, then you must be willing to admit that at some point in time, at least some restrictions must apply.

Unless you condone the taking of a human life. And if you do? There’s no hope for you. And no use wasting any more time arguing with you.


  1. Every women should have access to the safe abortion pills with the doctor's consultation.

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