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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Random Political Thoughts


So Democrats, including the President himself, are actively calling for protests (code for riots and violence in the streets) over the possibility that Roe v. Wade could be overturned. And MAGA is a terrorist organization and a threat to our democracy.

Wow! So our choice is Make America Great Again or Burn it to the Ground! And people still support the current administration? You know, the ones who promised unity, and continually deliver division.


Speaking of the President, you do know that he has encouraged people to “peacefully” protest the Supreme Court Justices, even though it is against federal law to do so. And he’s also currently being sued in Florida for refusing to enforce specific immigration laws. Since when is it OK for the President of the United States to actively ignore the laws he doesn’t like or agree with? Didn’t he take an oath or something?


Apparently, the new White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre believes that Staci Abrams is the true governor of Georgia. Obviously, she was cheated out of the job. I thought only Republicans believed in conspiracy theories about election fraud.

Meanwhile, the old press secretary, Jen Psaki is moving over to MSNBC so she can make big bucks to continue spinning the same excuses (lies) for how poorly the Biden administration is doing.


I keep reading about the so-called 6-3 Conservative majority over at the Supreme Court. I think the math is all wrong. In what sense could Chief Justice Roberts be considered a Conservative? I don’t care who nominated him to the court, he’s clearly not a conservative. Just look at his voting record and how many times he has sided with the Liberal justices on major cases.


Are even Liberal Democrats dumb enough to believe that record high inflation and soaring gas prices are Putin’s fault? Seriously?


Not that I don’t care about the people of the Ukraine, but considering the economic situation in our own country, how can we send $40 billion dollars of taxpayer money to them? Don’t we have enough problems right here at home that the Democrats can throw money at? How about we spend some money on border security. You know, fight off the invasion taking place here in the U.S.


Does anyone seriously believe that the leak of the Supreme Court draft about Roe v. Wade didn’t come from the Left? Anyone on the Right with half a brain has been expecting the Democrats to come out with something before the Mid-terms. Of course, they are not beyond playing dirty when it suits their needs. Remember the Democratic motto, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”


What happened to all the calls from the Left to follow the science? I guess we’re supposed to hold on to the most current research from 1973 when it comes to questions about conception and viability.

Whatever your thoughts on abortion and Roe v. Wade, the leaked draft is not a final decision. Maybe it will be and the Pro-Lifers will finally get a win. Meanwhile the Left is doing their Chicken Little routine trying to convince everyone that the sky is falling and all of your rights will be taken away.

Speaking of over-the-top dramatics, have you seen the video of Vice President Kamala Harris doing her best Greta Thunberg “How dare you” impression? Hilarious!

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