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Friday, September 2, 2022

Why Trump Shouldn’t Run for President in 2024


I find myself hoping more and more these days that Donald Trump decides not to run for President in 2024. I proudly supported him for President in both 2016 and 2020. (Which for some of you immediately marks me as some crazy person.) At the moment, President Biden and his party are trying as hard as they can to label any Conservative, Republican, or Independent who ever supported Trump as some Alt-Right, Far-Right, Skinhead, Nazi, Domestic MAGA Terrorist.) They refuse to admit that many (who may not have liked the man personally) were just glad to have a President who was actually Pro-America.

Regardless of his personality, which often irritates even his own followers, Trump was very conservative in his policies. He was for energy independence, legal immigration, lower taxes, fair trading with foreign countries, and a strong military among other things. He was good for the country in many ways and the economy was booming until the COVID pandemic hit. Unfortunately, the Biden administration has done everything possible to undo all the good accomplished by President Trump.

Nevertheless, despite my sincere hopes for a return to normalcy in our country, I don’t think Trump should run again in 2024 for the following reasons:

1. The Democrats won’t let him win. In 2020, they found/produced/scrounged up a record 82+ million votes for the worst candidate in the history of politics. (You know, the one who ran from his basement and hardly even bothered to campaign.) Legal/Illegal, Ethical/Unethical, Whatever. They did it. They got away with it. And they’ll do it again. Their hatred for Trump knows no bounds. And whatever it takes, they will never let him back in the White House.

(If you don’t believe me, consider the current vendetta they are waging against Trump. Never in our history has an ex-President ever faced this kind of treatment. Why? Because they fear he will run again and win. That very possibility has fueled their non-stop campaign to find any way to take him down.)

2. The RINOS won’t let him win. Whatever you think about the Democratic Party, at least they are consistently united. The Moderate Democrats (if there ever were any) have sold their souls to the Squad, and the party votes 100% in favor of whatever wild and crazy ideas are put forward by the leadership. On the other hand, enough Republicans are in the Never Trump group to ensure that he will never get the full support he needs from his own Party. And it’s hard to imagine winning an election when you can’t even count on your own team to play to win.

3. There are other Conservative candidates who have a better chance to win. The Democrats have no viable options who could win in a fair election. (Biden again? Kamala? Mayor Pete? Bernie? Pocahontas?) Without the Bogeyman (DT) to run against, the Democrats will have to actually have a real candidate, and I don’t think they can find one right now. Meanwhile, the Republicans have a number of interesting possibilities including Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, and several others. The top 10 Republican presidential candidates for 2024, ranked - The Washington Post Without the huge number of people who would vote against Trump (instead of for the other candidate), Republicans have a much greater chance of recapturing the White House in 2024.

Therefore, I really hope that Trump decides to swallow his pride, rein in his ego, and bow out. I would love to see him rally his base, and throw his full support behind another candidate who can win the election and put our country back on a sane course (before it’s too late!)

We need an end to the identity politics and the division caused by the current administration. We need to get rid of the Democrats who are trying to turn our country into just another failed socialism experiment. We need someone who can deal with the economy, immigration, energy, foreign policy, and taxes. Sadly, I don’t believe Trump is the guy anymore. It’s time for some fresh blood on both sides of the aisle.

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