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Monday, August 17, 2020

Kamala Harris – The Most Dangerous Woman in America?

Well, Joe Biden finally made his pick for Vice President and it’s a doozy. Here are my thoughts on the person who may very well be the most dangerous woman in America. Or for America.

Although many consider the VP to be a relatively minor position in our country, the most important aspect of the job is often aptly described in one particular expression – the VP is truly “one heartbeat away from the Presidency.” How true! And how very frightening considering Biden’s age and his fragile mental state. (Read my previous blog on that subject.

Biden’s ability (or inability) to perform the job himself should be a huge concern for the entire Democratic Party, but apparently it’s not. All things considered, this could very well be the most important VP selection in the history of our country. (Seriously, does anyone truly believe that Biden can handle the job of President? And I don’t mean for the next four years. I’m talking about January of 2021! Honestly, if Biden wins in November, I fully expect Harris to become our 47th President, and I don’t believe it will take four years.

So, why do I think Kamala Harris is dangerous? To begin with, she could actually help Joe Biden win the election. Most experts will say that rarely does the VP candidate have much of an impact on the election. Occasionally, they may help secure a battleground state (for example, LBJ in 1960), but even then, the person at the top of the ticket is still the most important one. This year, it actually could make a difference. Harris is young and attractive and could help overcome the obvious deficiencies of Biden and recapture some of the African American votes that he seems to lose every time he opens his mouth. (Young at 55 years of age, compared to Trump -74, Biden -77, and even Pence -61. Certainly attractive compared to Democratic politicians such as Clinton, Pelosi, and Warren.)

And why would President Harris be dangerous? Because she could very well be the most Liberal choice in the country espousing some of the most radical positions imaginable! The mainstream media has already begun to paint her as a moderate, but don’t be fooled by the spin. Take the time to study her positions on the issues. “According to a detailed assessment by Voteview, Harris holds a voting record farther left than 97 percent of Democrats in the 116th Senate, and more liberal than 99 percent of the Senate as a whole.” ( Check out the full article for a detailed look at her views on the key issues facing our country today such as: immigration, healthcare, the environment, gun control, fracking, and abortion.

For me, the most important danger is that she is represents the worst of politics, the willingness to do or say anything to get elected, to gain power. Or in other words, someone who doesn’t really have any hard and true beliefs. She has changed her positions frequently on many of the major issues, including her view of Joe Biden, the man she now thinks should be our next President.

During her own campaign for President, she called him a racist and pointed out his extremely poor record of doing anything remotely positive for the African American community. She also took issue with his alleged sexual misconduct and said we should listen to his accuser. BUT – given the chance to get within one heartbeat of the Presidency, she took the job (and became the running mate of the racist, alleged sexual assaulter), despite the obvious fact that being a woman, and a minority, were the two biggest qualifications that he considered. Hypocritical? Or just ambitious?

Either way, it scares me to think that she could help Biden win the job and in the process, ease her way into the role as his successor. And President Harris could be the one who turns our country into the Socialist Utopia the Democrats having been pushing us towards for the last several years. Of course, if you’re a radical Liberal yourself, you probably don’t consider her dangerous at all. You would probably call her the luckiest woman in America. Yeah, people like you scare me too.

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